100% Recyclable solutions

Recyclable monoflex PE based

Mono-material solutions PE based

In response to the market’s aim of 100% recyclable packaging by 2030, we have launched MONOFLEX portfolio, fully recyclable, PE-based mono-material, barrier packaging solutions. Precisely, we developed two possible structures, both of them 100% PE:

MONOFLEX M1 is a high-barrier (OTR <0,3) PE-based mono-material, consists of a complex made by a machine oriented PE layer and a low sealable PE layer. Both of them can be supplied with high barrier EVOH. This product has been developed to replace multilayers materials, such as PET/PE and OPA/PE packaging constructions, maintaining the same safety, security and quality standards of already-existing solutions.

MONOFLEX M3 is a high barrier (OTR<0,1 WVTR<0,5) three layers PE-based metallized solution, made with a machine oriented PE layer, a metallized layer and a low sealable PE layer. With MONOFLEX M3, you will be able to supply a packaging which ensures a high protection level against water, oxygen and light, avoiding the use of the aluminium layer.

MDO-PE 25 µm + PE/EVOH/PE low heat sealable
Top lidding film for fresh and processed food, flowpack, map applications, dry and liquid foodstuffs, frozen food, home and personal care
MDO-PE high barrier 25 µm + PE low heat sealable
Top lidding film for fresh and processed food, flowpack, map applications, dry and liquid foodstuffs, frozen food, home and personal care
MDO-PE high barrier 25 µm + PE metallized + PE low heat sealable
Flow pack, stick and doypack, packages that require optical barrier, dry and liquids foodstuffs, coffee, juice, frozen food, pharma products, home and care liquids